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Wednesday, November 26, 2008 

What Is So Special About Gemstones? Choosing The Right One For Health Benefits

Gemstone's have amazing health benefits and their benefit's are made stronger when mixed with sterling silver. We will go through the chakras where they are located and which stone's balance them.

Gemstones have some amazing health benefits different gemstone's help different chakras

The seven chakras

Seventh/Crown- located at the top of the head. Balancing this chakra is said to give vitality to cerebrum and affects the development of physic abilites.

Sixth/Third Eye- Located in the centre of the head above the eyebrows. Balancing this chakra helps psychic perception and balances the pineal gland.

Fifth/Throat- Located in the throat. Balancing this chakra is important for the speech and communitcation parts of the brain.

Fourth/Heart- Located in the centre of the chest. Balancing this chakra is important for the circulartory system, heart and thymus. It also affects spiritual love, compassions and universal oneness.

Third/Solar Plexus- Located above the navel. Balancing this chakra is associated with calming emotions and frustration, easing tension and helping to better utilise intuition.

Second/Sacral- Located in the lower abdomen. Balancing this chakra is associated with sexual vitality, physical power and fertility.

First/Root Chakra- Located at the base of the spine. Balancing this chakra give energy to the physical body, controls fears, increases overall health and helps in grounding.

A guide to which stones help balance which chakras

Seventh/Crown - Amethyst, Ametrine,

Sixth/Third Eye - Amethyst, Turquoise

Fifth/Throat - Amazonite, Amber, Aquamarine, Turquoise

Fouth/Heart - Jade, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Turquoise

Third/Solar Plexus - Amber, Amblygonite, Ametrine, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Topaz

Second/Sacral - Topaz,

First/Root Chakra - Bloodstone, Ruby

Each gemstone has different ways of balancing each chakra you can find more information on this under our gemstone meanings category. http://www.imperialgiftsandwares.com.au

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