Thursday, November 27, 2008 

Blue Cohosh - Benefits and Uses of Blue Cohosh

Blue cohosh is derived from the aerial parts of the plant, its roots, and its rhizomes. Pharmacologic effects are attributed to several glycosides and alkaloids, such as caulosaponin and methylcytisine. Caulosaponin is responsible for the herb's oxytocic effects and its effects on coronary vasculature as well as its ability to stimulate intestinal contractions. Methylcytisine produces nicotinic effects; for example, it elevates blood pressure and blood glucose level, stimulates respiration, and increases peristalsis. Blue cohosh is available as capsules, decoction, dried powder, liquid extract, tablets, tea, and tincture.

Benefits And Uses of Blue Cohosh

Blue cohosh is used to treat colic, sore throat, cramps, hiccups, epilepsy, urinary tract infections, inflammation of the uterus, asthma, memory problems, hypertension, muscle spasms, worm infestation, anxiety, restlessness and pain during pregnancy, and labor pains. It's used to stimulate uterine contractions and induce menstruation, and as an antispasmodic, antirheumatic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and laxative.

Blue cohosh may also have some antimicrobial activity. Low doses of the extract may inhibit ovulation. The roasted seeds of the herb are commonly used as a coffee substitute.


Dried rhizome or root: 0.3 to 1 g by mouth three times a day .

Tea: 1 cup three times a day; prepared by steeping herb in 5 oz of boiling water, then straining .

Liquid extract 0:1 in 70% alcohol): 0.5 to 1 ml by mouth three times a day.

Clinical considerations

In the past blue cohosh has been listed as a drug in the USP and the National Formulary; however, because of serious safety concerns, its use isn't recommended.

The root of this herb can be toxic, and the danger associated with its use seems to outweigh the reported medicinal benefits.

Don't confuse blue cohosh with black cohosh.

Monitor patient's blood pressure and blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, and protein bound iodine levels. . Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of overdose, which resemble those of nicotine toxicity. If overdose occurs, perform gastric lavage or induce vomiting, if needed.

Warn patient to avoid using blue cohosh during pregnancy, labor, and breast- feeding.

Tell patient to remind prescriber and pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

There is virtually no credible evidence that blue cohosh is effective for any of the conditions for which it has been used. Several published reports cite cases of serious adverse effects in infants, apparently caused by blue cohosh.

Read out for Home remedies Check out brewing green tea and swedish massage

Colon Cancer Stage
Stage 3 Colon Cancer
Stage Iv Colon Cancer


A Healthy Life Style Through A Clean Colon

People don't want to be bogged down with excess weight and foreign bodies in their systems. That is why more and more of them are taking the path to a properly functioning colon as a way to ensuring that their health will be improved through regular colon cleaning.

Not too many people take the trouble to discover what a positive affect having their colons cleaned regularly can make in their lives. Yet those who do feel the immediate benefits of cleaning out that build up of gunk, bacteria and undigested grease that is slowly blocking up their colon, and making them unhealthy and unpleasant to be around. Having a clean colon is everyone's right and evens their responsibility. In the long term, having a colon that is constantly blocked up will be detrimental to health and well being and can lead to long term complications that are not worth even imagining.

Many younger people are inclined to dismiss the thought of colon cleansing as being the realm of the elderly and the infirm. These people are burying their heads in the sand, because they, more than anyone else, will reap the benefits pf having their colons cleansed more than any age sector.

Too high a proportion of the youth of today are slaves to a culture that is decidedly unhealthy. They eat the wrong foods, they don't exercise enough and they drink vast quantities of soft drinks as well as coffee. All these foods and drinks contain materials that will rapidly clog up the colon, and the fact that they rarely even walk a few meters, never mind take part in any form of sporting activity, breathe very little fresh air and spend their time hunched over a computer screen are all symptoms of a very unhealthy life style which will have long and short terms repercussions on the digestive symptoms.

Colon cleaning is beneficial for everyone, be they young or old. Once this important realization sinks in, it should signal the start of a new lifestyle, involving eating healthier, exercising more and generally embarking on a newer and healthier life style.

George Christodoulou,

For more information about the best colon cleansing methods, please visit for one of the most comprehensive colon cleansing systems on the market today. You will learn about preparing for a colon cleansing, enzymes, probiotics, hydrothrapy, fiber, dieting, and more! -

Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Risk
Colon Cancer Diagnosis

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