Monday, November 24, 2008 

Is A Colon Detox Right For You?

Colon detox is something that most us need. Recent reports suggest that over 90% of diseases in the USA are directly or indirectly related to an unhealthy colon. The colon is the solid waste management organ in our bodies, but having said that, it's also the perfect breeding ground for viruses, putrefactive bacteria, and parasites. Believe or not, one in every six people have parasites living somewhere in their body.

Problems with the colon cause a lot of related side effects with negative consequences such as fatigue, arthritis, heart disease, headaches. Colon detox fights off all these troubles. Having your colon cleansed seriously lowers the toxic load on all other body parts. On the contrary, in the case of colon problem, the blocked toxins get released into the bloodstream affecting the entire organism.

Here is how you can find if you need colon detox or not. Of course, there are special colon tests that are the most recommended way of checking, but if you are just starting to notice these symptoms and would like to get an idea if they could be related to colon problem or not, ask yourself the following questions. Are you having very in frequent bowel movements? It shouldn't be more than 12 hours; otherwise the remainder becomes toxins that end up being stored in our body. What are the main foods in your menu? Do you eat a lot of fast-foods, synthetic, processed, or chemical laced foods?

Fact is, a strong human organism can withstand toxins and pollutants to some extent, but those who are living a slow life without being engaged in any form of activity, are in greater danger. A diet that's high in fiber content serves as a cure and at the same time prevents waste elimination problems. Eating high fiber means you're moving food through your digestive system quickly and easily.

Colon detox is the process of clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing excess mucus and congestion. A big part of these toxins come from our daily diet. The other major factors are environmental exposure and possible drug abuse. Our lifestyle has a serious impact on our health. We are what we eat and what we do. Most Americans are living a low-pace type of live, eating processed foods and not devoting a single hour per day for exercise or any other physical activity. And at the end, it all comes back to us, although we tend to think that this day will never come.

You can find out more about a Colon Cleanse as well as much more information on everything to do with colon health at

Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon


Home Remedy For Toenail Fungus

The toenail fungus is known as 'onychomycosis' in medical terminology. However, the term describes not only fungal infection but it also includes yeast infections that affect the nail badly. Toenail fungus affects men double as often as compared to women.

Treating toenail fungus is quite possible but if only detected and tackled earliest possible. This is because, nail infection, once left untouched, can lead to major complications. The first thing comes among all is keeping away those all factors that are triggering factors for toenail fungus. For this, one should not keep nail wet and it is to be thoroughly clean. Socks are never worn unwashed and one can put disinfectant powder into socks and shoes.

Another effective home remedy for treating toenail fungus is treating it with tea tree oil. It is potent natural antiseptic and fungicide. This helps removing fungus and for this, one can apply undiluted tea tree oil with olive oil onto the affected area. Rub this every day and then rinse it thoroughly sponging with hot water, dry it and apply disinfectant powder. Some of the skin experts suggest applying mouthwash such as Listerine. It is powerful antiseptic and can be applied.

One can also soak toenails for about hour in a tub containing warm water and natural apple cider vinegar mixed in equal quantity. After that, toenails are to be dried thoroughly (you can use hairdryer). Practice this for about 15-20 days for better results. Some of the dermatologists suggest applying lather AHA (Alpha Hydroxy-acid) creams onto the affected area for healing toenails. This is to be done before retiring to the bed and it is to be kept overnight. AHA removes the scaly skin that is a main seat of fungus to grow and affect the nail.

One of the best home remedies for treating toenail is to treat it by using oregano and olive oil combination. One can blend two drops of Oregano essential oil along with one teaspoon of olive oil. This mixture makes it powerful combination to fight against toenail fungal infections. The combination is to be applied onto the affected area for about two weeks and not more than that. The combination serves antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-parasitical and antifungal properties.

Epsom salt is considered as proven home remedy for treating toenail fungus by many health advisors. The salt can be used by putting it into a tub containing lukewarm water and then the affected area (feet) is to be soaked for about 15-20 minutes. This is to be practiced daily for about 15-20 days. One should remember that after soaking, the toenail is to be totally dried and is to be kept dried all the time. Use your hairdryer and then apply some disinfectant powder. The disinfectant powder absorbs the moisture from surrounding and keeps the toenail in dry environment in which, fungus is very less likely to grow.

Whatever the home remedy is, keeping the toenail in dry and hygienic condition is the most important factor to be done. Fungus, as we know, grows faster under water and hence, it is likely to grow on the human body where there is moisture.

Related Articles:

Reviews of nail fungal treatment products

Essential oils cure toenail fungus

Please visit NATURAL NAIL FUNGUS TREATMENT SOLUTION for more information.

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