Tuesday, December 9, 2008 

Who Else Wants To Stay Gorgeous, Fit And Ageless?

You may have or heard of conversations such as "... your body systems slow down as age catches up". Is this true?

Yes, because everything has an expiry date or a shelf life. Your body is no exception. It will deteriorate quickly and even stop functioning ... when you do not love and take care of it by taking nutritious food, fresh air, clean water and thoughts, sufficient rest and exercise it needs.

Do you know that your body can live over 100 years? Examples were Abraham, his wife Sarah and Moses in biblical history who lived more than 200 years. In current time are the Hunzas , the natives of America, and several centenarians from around the globe - example is the recent news report on Edna Parker in Indiana, USA who is 115 years old.

Living above 100 years old seems challenging these days when pollution is rampant. But it is still possible.

You can stay gorgeous, fit and ageless .... if you want to. First, you must alter your view of life, adjust your lifestyle and eat sufficient nutrients according to your needs. But can your body absorb and use these nutrients? Check your digestive system. A weak or dysfunctional digestive system gives a sluggish bowel. This is where your problems begin!

Studies and clinical research by physicians (including Dr Norman Walker, Dr Bernard Jensen) have proved that death begins at the colon, and colon cleansing is the key to a vibrant life.

Colon cleansing is a deep tissue cleansing process that reaches and cleanses every cell. Colon cleansing is the effective way of cleaning your whole body.

The whole objective of colon cleansing is to wash out stagnated, hardened toxic wastes in the intestines which prevent absorption of nutrients. These wastes breed worms, harmful bacteria/virus in the colon. They get reabsorbed in the body by the bloodstream. Wastes in the blood contaminate the whole body resulting a gradual breakdown of your immune system leading to chronic diseases.

Cleaning out the colon enable your body to absorb nutrients consumed. When cells/tissues are nourished, old cells/tissues regenerate and replace new ones. Once your body is functioning and eliminating wastes properly and on time, the benefits you get out of colon cleansing are:

1) Clear smooth skin:

When the body is cleansed and nourished by nutrients, the eliminative organs (skin, kidneys, lungs, bowel & lymph) begin to function well. All skin problems start clearing up, wrinkles subside, old skin replaces new skin.

2) Loss of excess weight:

Fats build up due to toxic wastes in the body. When these are effectively removed, your body gets nourished by the nutrients consumed. Once your body functions normally, excess fats and water are eliminated automatically. This gives you your natural body weight. With correct exercises, you can strengthen and tone up to a physique of your choice.

3) Longevity:

In the absence of wastes, your body gets nourished with correct food intake. As long as cells can repair and replace on time, there is no aging or death. According to Dr Alexis Carrell's research, 'the cell is immortal'. As long as they are fed with right nutrients, the pulsation of life may go on forever.

4) Disease free:

Death begins in your colon. The condition of your colon tells the condition of your health. Colon cleansing cleanses the whole body. When your digestive system is able to digest, assimilate, absorb and metabolize nutrients and remove wastes on time, you can be vibrant and energetic. Should you fall sick, you recover quickly.

Elaine Tang is a professional Colon Therapist. She uses Colema Therapy on her clients in the last 7 years. She believes colon cleansing and correct nutrition would contribute natural rejuvenation of the body. She is the owner of Colon Hydrotherapy Guide Blog. Click On The Site to read interesting facts and must-know knowledge about Colon Cleansing and how Colema Board can effectively cleanse your body systems.

Bowel Diseases
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms


Using Homeopathy for Detoxification

From the perspective of a patient, I got pretty good results from homeopathy for detoxification purposes. Although the results achieved are not instant and took some time, it is my experience that homeopathy does work to help me cleanse my body of certain toxins.

Homeopathy for detoxification is a method that your homeopathic practitioner prescribes you (the sick) diluted agents that, in undiluted doses, produce similar symptoms in the healthy person. It is an approach that is holistic and uses doses of natural substances that are absent harmful side effects. Homeopathic medicine has to be prescribed according to your particular needs. Your homeopathic doctor needs to examine you for a personalized diagnosis.

Healing is gentle and in a step-by-step fashion. What happens is that your practitioner will ask you to try a certain homeopathic remedy for a period after examining you and then help you to track the results that you are supposed to achieve. Your remedy may then be adjusted if needed after this period. This goes on until you are completely treated.

Homeopathy can help to detoxify against both internal and external toxins. It is useful for cleansing pollutants such as harmful heavy metals, parasites and can even remove toxins from stress, mental imbalances and chemical changes.

We all know it is important to have a clean and detoxified body in order to generate long term health and well being. A body that is well is balanced body, mind and spirit. Toxins can upset this balance. They are intruders that can cause illness and depression, among other things, and need to be eliminated before any health can be restored. Toxins can be internal or external.

First, internal toxins. Internal toxins are the product of a poorly functioning digestive tract; which is initially a result of external toxins. A compromised digestive system will result in poor digestion, which leads to poor assimilation within the body, and ultimately in poor elimination of wastes. If wastes are not being eliminated quickly enough, or if there is an overload within the body, toxins will remain behind and are often stored in fat cells, causing internal toxicity.

Next, external toxins. External toxins include pollutants that are ingested through food additives, inhalation of chemicals that are airborne, drug residue, minerals, and any other free floating radical that is captured in the air. Just think about chemicals used to reduce weeds, in paints and auto fumes. There is also the noise pollution, stress polluters and electromagnetic toxins from your cell phone, with city living. All of the above can cause changes within your body and weaken your immune system through loading you up on toxins.

In homeopathy for detoxification, there is no sense in trying to cure any current ailment or prevent any illness until you have undergone treatment to remove the toxins. It would be counterproductive if you do not eliminate the source of your problem in the first place.

My homeopathic practitioner comes from the U.K. This is not surprising as homeopathy for detoxification is popularly in Europe and in India, but much less so in the States. The number of patients using homeopathic remedies steadily increases in Europe, with the British market rising by about 20% per year. Germany and Portugal in particular are recording even higher rates of growth for this form of medicine. Perhaps as more are made known about the benefits of homeopathy, the Americans will be the next ones to hit this wave.

Toxins can upset the balance of your body, mind and spirit. Sign up to free research and special reports by Sandra Kim Leong on detox cleansing here at http://www.Detox-Cleansing-Diet.com

Colon Cancer Awareness
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