Wednesday, December 17, 2008 

The Body Burden

A lot of attention is being paid these days to the so called "body burden," the toxic load your body carries. In the modern world there are toxins everywhere: in our food, in our water, in the products we use to clean our kitchens and our laundry, outgassing from the materials used to build our cars and houses, even in the cosmetics and personal care products we apply to our skin. All of these pollutants build up in the body, creating the body burden.

The body burden can be likened to a barrel, gradually filling up with toxins until the barrel overflows and disease results. By slowing down the filling of the barrel and pulling the plug to allow toxins to be eliminated, you can reduce and even reverse the effects of the body burden.

There are two ways to do this. The first is to reduce exposure to toxicity. Switching to organic food is a great starting point. Using non-toxic household cleaners can also eliminate a huge source of toxins. And since the skin absorbs anything you put on it, start using personal care products with ingredients that you can pronounce! And, of course, be sure you are drinking only pure water.

The second is to help the body detoxify the pollutants it is already carrying. There are many methods of detoxification, but doing a bowel cleanse is one of the fastest and easiest ways for most people to reduce the body burden. It is simple, easy, and the results are immediate.

The colon can become coated with built up waste that is not completely eliminated. This waste can hold numerous toxins, polluting the digestive system and blood stream over time, and causing gas, boating, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. A bowel cleanse eliminates this huge source of toxicity using natural plant extracts, seeds, and clay that gently absorb toxins, break up impacted wastes, and move them out of the body.

The results can be dramatic. Improved energy is one of the most widely reported benefits of a bowel cleanse. Removing old build up also allows the intestines to function properly to absorb all of the good nutrients you need to detoxify the rest of your body. A bowel cleanse should be the starting point for all detoxification regimens.

For more information on colon cleansing, please visit the website.

Please click here to find out more about how you can do a colon cleanse.

Colon Cancer
Colon Cancer Risk
Colon Cancer Diagnosis


Stage 4 Colon Cancer - Don't Give Up Hope If You Reach This Stage Of Colon Cancer

Once colon cancer reaches the level of stage 4, this is the point, statistically, when the rates of survival decrease rapidly. The average five-year survival rate at this stage tends to be around 20 to 30 percent. Whilst these figures make the outlook look bad, an end to all hope should not be dismissed with stage 4 colon cancer. The importance of screening and early detection at this time is paramount.

If stage 4 colon cancer has been diagnosed, this means that the cancer has now manifested itself in other parts of the body. It is almost certain that the cancer has invaded the lymph node system and could possibly be found in the liver, lungs, bones and even the brain. Even at this stage, it is still possible for people to live past the projected five-year period. It all depends on the location of the spread of the stage 4 colon cancer. However, overall, the prognosis for stage 4 survival is not overly optimistic.

Even now, when stage 4 colon cancer has been diagnosed, there are several medical procedures and treatments that can be used to lessen symptoms. In areas where tumors can be removed, surgery can be performed to remove these tumors. If surgery isn't an option, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often used to help. Whilst there may not be a 'cure' for stage 4 colon cancer, doctors strive to help those diagnosed to live their lives, if not a little longer, then at least a little more comfortably.

Prevention is of paramount importance in ensuring that people do not end up with stage 4 colon cancer. This in itself is not going to prove 100% effective for everyone, but to help avoid this cancer, here are a few things that people can do:

Reduce the risks. Not all of the risks can be removed. Some can though, and they simply involve changing your lifestyle habits. Smoking, over indulgence of alcohol and a diet that is high in fat and low in fiber are all risks that can be eliminated. Other personal risk factors that can be addressed are obesity and lack of exercise.

Undertake a screening program. The normal check up procedure of screening starts around the age of 50. However, if the risks are deemed high in a person, then screening will start at an earlier stage. Both men and women are prone to colon cancer, so both can expect to have their physicians request screening exams every few years.

The importance of screening programs and risk reduction are highlighted by the fact that symptoms of colon cancer do not generally appear until the later stages. The best form of defense can be installed by making these two things a priority. By doing so, one can help to reduce the chances of stage 4 colon cancer forming.

Stage 4 colon cancer is not good and if diagnosed with this cancer, it doesn't mean that all hope is lost. With the proper medical treatment and care, the chances of beating the five-year survival rate could be improved. Avoiding this situation in the first place by employing the combination of preventative measures and undergoing regular screenings is obviously the best step to take. These actions alone won't guarantee that you won't reach stage 4 colon cancer, but they will help in decreasing the chances for advancement of the colon cancer.

Would you be able to recognise any of the signs or symptoms of colon cancer? For a wide range of information about colon cancer visit RIGHT NOW. It could literally mean the difference between life and death.

Colon Cancer Chemotherapy
Colon Cancer Cure
Diseases Of The Colon

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