Essential Oils for Your Commute - How to Make Commuting More Pleasant with Essential Oils - Part 1
Have you ever calculated how many hours that you spend in commuting time during a year? Unless you work at home, the number can be huge! But what if this time could be more pleasant, profitable, and productive? Essential oils can help make your commuting time much more effective.
When you would like some productive THINKING time.
Inhale an essential oil that studies have shown to improve mental accuracy. This includes lemon, peppermint, jasmine, and even essential oil blends designed to enhance brain power and mental clarity.
When you would like some CREATIVE time.
Whether it is planning your day, trying to think of pressing projects from a new perspective, or developing entirely new ideas, certain essential oils seem to foster inspiration and creativity. These include frankincense, cedarwood, spruce, sandalwood, myrtle and a number of others.
When you or your fellow commuters are not the most agreeable people.
I like to keep conifer essential oils like balsam fir on hand because it seems to always improve my mood and the mood of anyone who smells it. Other oils that are used for this purpose include frankincense, rose, geranium, ylang ylang, and more.
What if your fellow commuters are coughing and sneezing?
I put a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary on the soles of my feet before leaving home. Why? Because this combination of oils contains compounds that are antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, antiviral, and more.
When you encounter TRAFFIC PROBLEMS.
Pull out that Idaho balsam fir again! Or perhaps you are already wearing it as a cologne. Other calming essential oils include conifers in general, frankincense, rose, geranium, and more.
To relax and unwind on the way home.
Once again, pull out that balsam fir or any of the oils mentioned above.
I hope that this information will help your commute go more smoothly. If you would like more free tips about how easy it is to incorporate essential oils into your life and begin getting their benefits, I invite you to visit and click on Newsletter, Resources, and New.
For optimal results and safety, I recommend only therapeutic grade essential oils. Please make your selections and usage habits based on what you find in the Essential Oils Desk Reference.
If you are ready to shop for essential oils to help make your commute a more positive experience, I invite you to go to and check out the essential oil kits and the essential oils in general.
For specific tips on how to use essential oils during your commute, look very soon for part 2 of this article. And if this is your first foray into aromatherapy, I'd like to be the first to welcome you into this exciting world of essential oils.
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