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Wednesday, November 19, 2008 

Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Remedy

Are you worried about your moles, warts, and skin tags? Are scared about the idea of removing them surgically using laser, knife or some acid?

Moles and warts are skin infection caused by specific wart viruses, producing bumps on various parts of body or the soles of feet. Here are some remedies for removal of moles, warts and skin tags.

Soak your wart in warm water for 15-20 minutes and dry. Apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water and dry.

Dissolve an aspirin with a small drop of water and apply to the wart. Cover with a band-aid. Repeat twice daily.

Mix some baking soda in water and rub on the wart 3-4 times daily. You can soak a cloth guage with a mixture of baking soda and castor oil and apply it on the mole. Secure it there with a band-aid. Leave it for overnight.

For getting rid of plantar warts, daily take a piece of ripe (or raw) banana peel and apply the pulp side to the wart and cover with a band-aid. Remove it only when taking bath. Apply daily for many months.

For quite old warts, chew some cashews and place it on the wart. Your warts should melt away in 3-4 weeks.

Open the stem of a dandelion and rub on the warts 2-3 times daily until the wart disappears in 3-4 weeks.

Rub crushed garlic on the wart 2-3 times daily until the wart disappears in 3-4 weeks. OR mash a garlic clove so it is pulpy and moist. Cover the wart with this pulp and secure it there with a band-aid. Leave it for overnight. Wart will start disappearting from the first night.

Chop one raw onion and cover with salt and leave overnight. Apply the juice to the warts 2-3 times daily until warts disappear.

Apply a drop of grapefruit seed extract to the wart and cover with a band-aid, 2-3 times daily. Your warts should fall off in 3-4 weeks.

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This article has been written by http://www.fatfreekitchen.com.

For more natural remedies visit http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/beauty/warts-remedy.html for natural removal of moles, warts and skin tags.


Copyright http://www.FatFreeKitchen.com

[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. ]

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