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Thursday, November 20, 2008 

Remedy for Gallstones - Keep Your Gallbladder and Avoid Colon Cancer with 7 Tips

Did you know that approximately 500,000 persons will undergo surgery to remove their gallbladder this year? And this is considerably low, considering that between 10-15 percent of Americans have been diagnosed with gallstones sometime in their lifetime.

But unfortunately, removing your body's organ (the gallbladder) is not a cure-all solution to this disease. Because without your gallbladder, bile will drip continuously into your digestive system. The constant dripping will cause nausea and diarrhea in some people. And far worse, removal of the organ drastically increases your risk of colon cancer, bowel cancer and may lead to higher levels of blood cholesterol because of the dripping bile. And as you know, cholesterol is a leading cause of heart attacks.

Are you considering gallbladder surgery for your gallstone treatment? Would you consider a remedy for gallstones which uses healthy living tips to dissolve and flush your stones naturally if it was guaranteed? Keep reading!

Why You Need Your Gallbladder?

In a recent study, researchers from the UK found that gallbladder surgery may increase your risk of developing colon cancer because of bile excretion problems. Though the risk is low, researchers have discovered a noticeable amount of cancer cases resulting from the surgery.

Should you be concerned? I would contend 'yes'. Specifically, because your gallbladder was designed with a purpose and losing your gallbladder could be disastrous to your body. And in some cases, fatal!

The gallbladder's job results from blood. Blood flows to every part of the body to bring nutrients and waste to and from every single cell in the body. The liver's (the gallbladder's neighbor) job is to filter the blood and eliminate the waste/impurities/toxins in the blood. This waste produced by the liver is called bile. The gallbladder then uses the bile to break down fats and cholesterol that you digest.

With the missing organ, the dripping bile can cause serious problems including: leaving cholesterol to build up in your arteries, colon cancer, bowel cancer and body malfunctions including consistent nausea and diarrhea. Is this worth paying thousands of dollars for all of these possible complications? Of course, not!

Remedy for Gallstones- 7 'Doctor-Approved' Natural Health Tips

Our company specializes in 'doctor-approved' natural health tips to treat common ailments. And with gallstones, a natural remedy for gallstones deals 90% with prevention and 10% with a simple dissolve and flush. Here are 7 tips natural health tips we recommend in our Dissolve and Flush Remedy for Gallstones Report. To learn our about our step-by-step remedy please visit our website.

1. Flush! In a gross way, you can sometimes think of your body as a toilet; it annually needs a flush to eliminate toxins, cholesterol, pollutants and even gallstones. There are numerous ways to naturally flush your body. We recommend a 2 day flush explained step-by-step in our remedy report.

2. Water! Drink half your weight in ounces every day! Read that over if you didn't understand but a 200 lb. person should be drinking 100 ounces of water per day. That is about 12 cups of water per day. This alone will allow your body to work extra efficiently.

3. Avoid extreme fats and cholesterol! You should avoid foods that are high fats and high cholesterol. These foods pump tons of toxins into the liver and are one of the causes of cholesterol based gallstones. You should aim to avoid these foods for about one month and gradually reintroduce them to your diet.

4. Fiber! Educate yourself on high fiber foods and especially water-soluble fiber foods (fruits and vegetables). These foods will keep you healthy and with continually keeping you regular and flushed.

5. Vitamin C! Vitamin C can allow the body to convert cholesterol to bile acids. With less cholesterol and more ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), the gallstone risk is drastically decreased. And your immunity will be heightened for better overall health.

6. Be Active! Our bodies and brains can become naturally addicted to things. Including activity and staying healthy. The best way to stay healthy is to stay active and keep your body running efficiently by regular exercise. Start working out at least 3-4 times per week.

7. Your diet! You should be eating a well-balanced diet. Avoid fast food, processed foods, and canned/packaged foods. These foods have a tendency to be high fat and high cholesterol.

Are You Ready to Pass and Flush Your Stones Today?

Imagine being gallstone-free in less than 24 hours! If you would like to learn more about our natural remedy for gallstones, please visit our website today. Our company's personal natural health doctor devised a simple yet effective, step-by-step cleanse that will pass your gallstones in the first day of treatment. He has also written up a prevention plan that has left some of our customers gallstone-free for 4+ years now.

These 7 tips are the tip of the iceberg, to discover how you can be gallstone-free please visit our natural health website today! We guarantee your satisfaction!

Leading Researchers! Medical-Doctor Approved! Joe Barton of Barton Publishing has revolutionized natural health. To learn more about this guaranteed remedy for gallstones, please visit us today!

Remedy for Gallstones

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
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