Colon Cleansing Cures Constipation
Nowadays, there are a lot of people suffer from chronic constipation. Constipation is generally defined as having less than three bowel movements in seven days. Having at least one or two bowel movements in a day is the sign of a healthy body. People in perfect health have three bowel movements per day, so you can imagine how bad your intestinal health is if you are having only three bowels in a week. While an occasional case of constipation can be blamed on an abnormal intake of food or lifestyle during a certain period, chronic constipation is an ailment that needs to be treated properly.
The best method of getting rid of chronic constipation is to do a colon cleanse and to change to a diet high in fiber and water content. The most common cause of constipation is a lack of both fiber and water in the diet. When waste matter passes through the colon, the colon tries to extract water from it. It is because of this reason that stools become dry, hard and difficult to pass, resulting in constipation. However, fiber has the quality of retaining its moisture content, due to which a fiber healthy diet results in healthy bowel movements that are regular and easy to pass.
While constipation in itself is not a disease, it is definitely a symptom showing that your body's waste elimination system is not working properly. This can result in causing many other problems and therefore, a colon cleansing is advised for patients who suffer from constipation often. The building up of wastes and toxins causes the colon to start producing mucus in order to prevent the waste from depositing on its walls. However, a low fiber diet ensures that the waste stays inside the colon longer than necessary causing a buildup of toxins, bacteria, parasites and mucoidal plaque inside the colon. Constipation caused due to these reasons not only affects the gastro intestinal tract but also causes various other ailments like acne, dull and dead skin, headaches, fatigue and backaches. On top of this, constipation results in abdominal and stomach aches, gas and acidity buildup and flatulence apart from causing hemorrhoids and rectal tears at the time of excretion. While laxatives provide temporary relief from constipation, they should never be looked on as solution to constipation since these are habit forming for the body.
It is therefore, necessary to get rid of chronic constipation at the first instance. You can either start consuming psyllium husk and bentonite clay shakes at least three to five times a day for at least a week or start taking some already prepared herbal supplement that has been specially created as a colon cleanse. A lot of herbal colon cleansers are available in the market today and most of them are quite effective in getting your colon back to perfect working condition and getting rid of constipation for good. In order to keep you colon in optimum working order after the colon cleanse and to prevent constipation, make sure that you keep on eating a diet that is rich in fiber and consume at least two liters of water per day.
Author is the webmaster of Colon Cleanser. You may be interested in Colon Cleansing Cures Constipation and Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss.
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